short trail running Hopaal

HOPAAL is disrupting Fashion Week with an innovative show. In pursuit of its mission to defy the status quo and conventional dress codes, the show turned the spotlight on the brand's new minimalist, outdoor and super-active approach.
It took place in a spectacular natural desert environment. The route covered 21.125 km, the distance between HOPAAL's offices and their workshop in Socoa in the Basque Country. The equivalent of a half-marathon was run by six members of the HOPAAL community, who were filmed and photographed during this unique catwalk run.
The essence of HOPAAL's positioning lies in the creation of functional pieces that fit into any environment. This fashion show is designed to illustrate this functionality. Rather than deploying mannequins over a short distance, which is hardly representative of the garments actual use, it offers a glimpse of use within real conditions, relevance and functionality.
By taking the opposite approach to conventional fashion shows, this event embodies HOPAAL's vision: community-based, functional, no-frills and deeply athletic.