HOPAAL and the pragmatic outdoor

Outdoor culture is deeply rooted in HOPAAL's DNA. It takes shape as a pragmatic vision of outdoor living, which fuels the brand at every level.

The outdoors is our founding element. It’s a never-ending source of sensations and emotions. This connection to natural spaces nurtures an approach centered around humility and performance, where the great outdoors represent both a challenge and the ultimate reward. Our inspiration draws from Alpine and Nordic styles, in a culture where nature is seen as a common good, accessible to all. This philosophy promotes open access and connection with nature. It advocates that nature contributes to quality of life and its access should be facilitated to promote a balanced lifestyle.

In line with this spirit, we offer a tri-level approach, each level tailored to specific profiles, to provide a diverse and versatile outdoor experience. From outdoor inspiration in the city to intense practices, including escapes from urban life to nature, each range reinforces a connection and fascination with the great outdoors. This orientation leads to an outdoor concept closely tied to that of community. A community that shows up during social runs in urban environments, with smaller groups during more versatile outdoor activities, and with the characteristic duos associated with most intense practices like alpinism.

The relationship with the great outdoors that we advocate for calls for a lifestyle oriented towards the outdoors. A super-active spirit, where the urge for nature is compelling, leading us to seek every opportunity to spend more time outdoors, in motion. Like a Trojan horse, it encourages respect and preservation of these universal playgrounds.

Trail Hopaal